usage: fl radav [-h] [--ihdf IHDF [IHDF ...]] [--tlim TLIM] [--vlim VLIM]
[--N N] [--ppc PPC] [--weighting {dens,vol}] [--psfn PSFN] [--regen]
Calculates radial profiles of all grid quantities, i.e. mean values over spherical shells.
optional arguments:
argument | description |
-h, --help | show this help message and exit |
--ihdf IHDF [IHDF ...] | Input HDF file(s). Default: all HDF5 files in the current directory |
--tlim TLIM | Gas with temperature below and above tlim is treated separately. Default: 300000.0. |
--vlim VLIM | Gas with velocity above vlim is excluded. Default: 1e+99. |
--N N | Number of points along each ray. If zero, calculated as 0.5*3D_diagonal/min_cell_size/ppc. Default: 0. |
--ppc PPC | Specifies how many ray points per cell size. Default: 2. |
--weighting {dens,vol} | Quantities weighted by density or volume when added to radial bins. Default: dens |
--psfn PSFN | File with point sources; they will be omitted. Default: . |
--regen | If set, regenerate existing radav files. Default: keep existing radav files. |